
Polymer Microsphere


The polymer microspheres refer to polymer particles having a spherical shope wth porticle diameter ranging from severo tens of nonometers to severo hundreds of micrometers Polymer microsphere s a new type of water blocking and dipiacement mateial

The material monty comprises of water absorbing resin and achive polymers, The water absorbing resin has the charocters of arge expanson rato, good toughness and effecive rBtardoion expanson performance: it oon be moved to the deep port of the formafion ogether with the nectionwoter strongly sea of the kge caviy passage o the formation to mokes the wafer ouput damafooty reduced areen dose to zero




ADD:No.226, Haigang Road, Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province

Copyright: Shandong Nuoer Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Record number: Lu ICP No. 18025502

Technical support: Dongying Yunshang £¬ NuoerNetwork


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