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Application and use of Cationic PAM papermaking

What is the use of PAM?

    The largest use of PAM is water treatment, generally used in urban sewage treatment, paper industry, food processing industry, petrochemical industry, metallurgical industry, mineral processing industry, dyeing industry and sugar industry and wastewater treatment of various industries. Used for sludge neutralization and sludge dewatering in the treatment of municipal sewage and meat, poultry and food processing wastewater, and the neutralization effect of the negatively charged organic colloid in the sludge through the positive charge groups contained therein The excellent bridging function of the polymer is to promote the colloidal particles to be integrated into the large flocs and separate them from the suspension. The effect is obvious and the dosage is small. As a flocculant, Cationic PAM is primarily used in industrial solid-liquid processes, including settling, clarification, concentration, and sludge dewatering. It can also be used to treat flocculants in water from waterworks in rivers and rivers.

PAM is used as an additive in the paper industry

    In the paper industry, Cationic PAM can be used as a paper dry strength agent, retention aid, filter aid, which can greatly advance the quality of paper into paper, save the cost, and advance the production capacity of paper mills. It can directly bridge the inorganic salt ions, fibers and other organic polymers to achieve the physical strength of the enhanced paper, reduce the loss of fibers or fillers, accelerate the filtration, enhance, retain and filter the filter, and can also be used The disposal of white water, together with the obvious flocculation effect in the process of deinking.

Fiber industry

    In the fiber slurry (asbestos-cement product), the asbestos-cement product can be improved in drainage and the strength of the asbestos board material can be advanced; in the insulation board, the contact between the additive and the fiber can be advanced.

Mining and dressing industry

    It can be used as clarifying agent for mine wastewater and coal washing wastewater in mining and coal preparation work.

Phosphonic acid purification

    In phosphoric acid purification, it contributes to the difference in gypsum in the wet process phosphoric acid skill.

Cationic PAM in papermaking

     In the paper industry, when using waste paper to make paper, in order to maintain good tensile strength and other properties of paper, to meet the needs of modern rotary printing, PAM referred to as CPAM) paper enhancer, its molecular length provides good adsorption performance and The position of the chlorine bond is combined to enhance the bonding between the fibers, and thus has various functions such as reinforcement, retention, and filtration, and particularly, the tear index is increased, and the strength of the paper can be effectively improved.

     Cationic PAMPAM made by adding an acrylamide solution to a modifier, sodium hypochlorite and a base mainly produces a heat-resistant and water-resistant paper using a PAM-type papermaking reinforcing agent. For example, 0.5 parts of fatty acid sizing agent, 0.2 parts of PAM type papermaking enhancer, 1.0 part of aluminum sulfate and 0.7 parts of epoxy reinforcing agent are added to the paper in chemical pulp, so that the tear strength is still up after the paper is immersed in 200C water for 1 hour. 183g, good printing performance.

    The copolymer grafted with acrylamide, acrylic acid and hydroxyethyl acrylate and cerium ion tapioca starch was added into the pulp of 560 ml of Canadian standard beating, and then Al2(SO4)3 was added to discard the paper with a basis weight of 74.2 g/m2. The break length is 8950 m, the strength of the intermediate layer is 148 g, and the tear factor is 135.

    When the vehicle speed is 800m/min, the Internet concentration is 0.6%, and the paper ash is 20%, the Cationic PAMPAM paper retention aid can achieve 80% first-pass retention and 50% ash first-pass retention.

    As a unit paper retention aid, the composition is Cationic PAMPAM, generally added in an amount of 0.05%-0.3%, the added concentration is preferably 0.1%-1.0%; the dual retention aid, the composition is PEI+PAM, the addition amount is 0.2%-1.0% The concentration is added from 0.5% to 1.5%. The method of addition is to premix and then add the two.

    In the particle flocculation system, Cationic PAMPAM is first added to form a large floc. Under the action of shearing force, it is dispersed into small flocs, and then the negative colloidal silica is added, which can react with the small flocs to form a denser and easier. The dehydrated fine flocculation system achieves higher retention, good formation and drainage performance.

    Using Cationic PAMPAM to act as a paper retention aid with a retention of 98%. The lignin and fine fibers in the pulp and cationic PAM are superior to the anionic PAM, showing a strong retention effect. Using rosin, gelatin, and filler titanium dioxide. The modification of PAMPAM can be used as a wet end additive.

    PAMPAM is used to improve pulp dewatering performance. In the process of papermaking, alum, PAMPAM and cationic starch were successively used to improve retention and dewatering performance. The use of PAMPAM paper retention aid in printing coating base paper can improve the retention rate of filler and fine fiber, accelerate the dehydration speed, precipitate sewage and reduce pollution, so it is of great significance to strengthen environmental protection and improve economic benefits.

Cationic PAM application

    1. When using, it is formulated into a PAM aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.1 to 0.3%, and water with a neutral salt-free impurity is preferably used.

    2. When dissolving, spread the Cationic PAM product evenly into the stirred water and control the stirring speed at 100~300rpm. Properly heated (< 60 ¡ã C) to accelerate dissolution.

    3. Adjust the PH value of the liquid to be treated to make full use of this series of products (select the best PH value and the amount of this series of products through experiment).

    4. When participating in the Cationic PAM commercial solution, it should accelerate the mixing with the treated liquid. After the flocculation occurs, slow the stirring speed to facilitate the floc addition and accelerate the sedimentation.




ADD:No.226, Haigang Road, Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province

Copyright: Shandong Nuoer Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Record number: Lu ICP No. 18025502

Technical support: Dongying Yunshang £¬ NuoerNetwork


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