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Nuoer Group and Australia SciDev signed a strategic cooperation agreement

On   May 7, 2019, Lewis Utting, Chairman of Australian Science Development HoldingsCo., Ltd., accompanied by Chairman of the Nuoer Group, Rong Minjie,and Dr. Zhang Jianfeng, General Manager of the Australian Branch, visited Nuoer Group and signed a framework agreement for strategic cooperation.


AustralianScience Development and Nuoer Group Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony

AustralianScience Development Holdings Limited (SciDev) has the world's most advancedmining flocculant application technology, comprehensive technical support andafter-sales service, supporting solvent supply and logistics distributioncapabilities, as well as patents for online measurement and automatic meteringcontrol equipment. Nuoer Group has first-class production technology, productresearch and development strength and scientific management team. Thiscooperation has greatly enhanced the ability of Nuoer Group to develop theinternational mining flocculant market, and also provided ScientificDevelopment Holdings Co., Ltd. with the procurement of high quality flocculantproducts. Channels provide a broad space for business growth.


The   signing of the strategic cooperation agreement between the two partiesperfectly combines the advantages of Nuoer Group and Science DevelopmentHoldings Limited. Nuoer Group grants scientific development company long-termproduct agency rights in Oceania region. Nuoer Group Australia Branch willprovide assistance and communication for strategic cooperation between the twoparties. Dr. Zhang Jianfeng of Nuoer Group Australia Branch retains theoriginal position and is also developing in science. Holdings Limited serves asa director of strategy and marketing. Chairman of the Nuoer Group Rong Minjieproposed that the two sides will carry out more in-depth and all-roundcooperation in the future. The strategic cooperation between the two partiesmarks the development of Nuoer Group in the mining industry, and graduallybuilds the company into a global integrated high-quality flocculant production,field application and after-sales service.




ADD:No.226, Haigang Road, Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province

Copyright: Shandong Nuoer Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Record number: Lu ICP No. 18025502

Technical support: Dongying Yunshang  £¬ NuoerNetwork


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